Africa's #1 digital wallet for payments

AML Policy

  1. AML Policy (Anti-Money Laundering) - RedPay Africa

    Effective Date: 2/08/2023

    1. Introduction

    RedPay Africa ("RedPay") is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) laws and regulations. This Anti-Money Laundering Policy outlines our approach to preventing money laundering and the illegal use of our financial services and platforms.

    2. Purpose

    The purpose of this policy is to establish a robust framework to identify, prevent, and report any suspicious activities related to money laundering or terrorist financing. RedPay aims to work collaboratively with regulatory authorities and law enforcement agencies to ensure a safe and transparent financial environment.

    3. Policy Scope

    This AML Policy applies to all employees, directors, agents, customers, and any other stakeholders associated with RedPay Africa. It covers all transactions and activities conducted through our platforms, products, and services.

    4. Customer Due Diligence (CDD)

    RedPay is committed to conducting thorough Customer Due Diligence (CDD) on all users before establishing a business relationship or processing any transactions. The CDD process includes verifying the identity of customers, beneficial owners, and obtaining essential information to assess the risks associated with their activities.

    4.1 Identification and Verification:

    - RedPay will collect and verify identification documents, such as government-issued IDs, passports, or other valid documents, to establish the identity of its customers.
    - In the case of legal entities or corporate customers, we will obtain information about the company's ownership structure and identify the beneficial owners.
    - Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) measures will be applied to high-risk customers, business relationships, or countries.

    4.2 Ongoing Monitoring:

    - RedPay will continuously monitor customer transactions and activities to detect any unusual or suspicious behavior.
    - Regularly updating customer information to ensure it remains current and accurate.

    5. Reporting Suspicious Activities

    RedPay is obligated to report any suspicious activities that may be indicative of money laundering, terrorist financing, or other criminal activities. Our employees and agents are required to be vigilant and report any suspicions promptly to the designated Compliance Officer.

    6. AML Training

    RedPay will provide ongoing AML training to all employees and agents to raise awareness about money laundering risks, the importance of compliance, and the role each individual plays in maintaining the integrity of our financial services.

    7. Record Keeping

    RedPay will maintain accurate and comprehensive records of all customer transactions and related documentation. These records will be securely stored for a period as required by local regulations.

    8. Compliance and Oversight

    RedPay will appoint a designated Compliance Officer responsible for overseeing the implementation of this AML Policy. The Compliance Officer will regularly review and update the policy to align with changes in AML laws and regulations.

    9. Cooperation with Authorities

    RedPay is committed to cooperating fully with regulatory authorities, law enforcement agencies, and other relevant bodies in their efforts to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

    10. Conclusion

    RedPay Africa is dedicated to creating a secure and transparent financial ecosystem for all its users. This AML Policy reflects our commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity, compliance, and ethical conduct. By adhering to this policy, we aim to contribute to a safer and more responsible financial environment in Africa.